Research Disclaimer and Disclosure under SEBI (Research Analysts) Regulations 2014
Research Services are under the banner of VARUN PATEL SEBI Registration-INH300008155
The report / information / opinions/buy/sell recommendations have been prepared by
me and are subject to change without any notice. The report and information contained
herein is strictly confidential and meant solely for the selected recipient and may
not be altered in any way, transmitted to, copied or distributed, in part or in whole,
to any other person or to the media or reproduced in any form, without prior written consent
of me. The information provided in the Report is from publicly available data, which
I believe and reliable. While reasonable endeavours have been made to present reliable
data in the Report so far as it relates to current and historical information, I am not
guaranteeing the accuracy or completeness of the data in the Report. Accordingly, I or
my relatives shall not be in any way responsible for any loss or damage that may arise
to any person from any inadvertent error in the information contained, views and opinions
expressed in this publication.
Past performance should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of future performance,
and no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made regarding future performance.
The price, value of and income from any of the securities or financial instruments mentioned
in this report can fall as well as rise.
The Report also includes my analysis and views. The Report is purely for information purposes
and does not construe to be investment recommendation/advice or an offer or solicitation of
an offer to buy/sell any securities. The opinions expressed in the Report are our current
opinions as of the date of the Report and may be subject to change from time to time without
notice. I / Or any persons connected with me do not accept any liability arising from the use
of this document.
Investors should not solely rely on the information contained in this Report and must make
investment decisions based on their own investment objectives, judgment, risk profile and
financial position. The recipients of this Report may take professional advice before acting
on this information.
This document is for private circulation & Educational Purpose only. Neither the information
nor any opinion expressed constitutes an offer, or any invitation to make an offer, to buy
or sell any securities or any options, future or other derivatives related to such securities.
The investment advice or guidance provided by way of recommendations, reports or other ways
are solely the personal views of the research analyst.
Users are advised to use the data for the purpose of information and rely on their own judgment
while making investment decision. The research recommendations and information are solely for
the personal information of the authorized recipient and does not construe to be an offer
document or any sort of investment, legal or taxation advice or solicitation of any action
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recipients as customer by virtue of their receiving this report. The report is based
upon the information obtained from public sources that we consider reliable, but we
do not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.
Varun Patel shall not be in anyways responsible for any loss or damage that may arise to
any such person from any inadvertent error in the information contained in this report.
The recipients of this report should rely on their own investigations.
I submit that no material disciplinary action has been taken on me by any Regulatory
Authority impacting Equity Research Analysis activities.